The story of Children in Crossfire, has its roots in what began as a tragedy and ended as a triumph of the human spirit to overcome adversity. Founded in 1996 by Richard Moore who was blinded as a 10 year old boy in 1972 during the Northern Ireland conflict, Children in Crossfire supports projects helping some of the most vulnerable children on the planet that suffer from the injustice of poverty.

Richard Moore (left) founder of Children in Crossfire and Ernie Brennan (right) founder of the Children’s Football Alliance

There are many reasons why the NCFA chime with Children in Crossfire. Of course football rings a bell, however, it’s the ultimate aim in making young peoples lifes better, safer and aspirational.

Richard supports the NCFA’s Football Makes Our Shared History project which will be launched across Northern Ireland in 2022. All being well, Richard will be a special guest at Queens University Belfast next year where young participants will present their project, debate how their work and produce a letter advocating celebrating International Day of Peace, to deliver to Stormont later in the year.

In the meantime, click on the following link to learn more about Children in Crossfire and view the excellant Ted Talks (below).