NCFA National Project Director Paul Cooper on meeting 2nd Chance
The NCFA have been in discussions with 2nd Chance regarding working with them and other agencies on a project to help people in custody and their families.
We have been extremely impressed with the way 2nd Chance work, their philosophy and the hope, structure and future it gives not just the people on their programmes but the families, friends and local community that support them. It has a profound effect and the results have been nothing short of astonishing.
Their mission is a simple one; to inspire positive chance and achievement in people and communities across the UK and beyond.
They believe that change is a process and not just an event; therefore all their programmes support sustainable change and achievement. This is certainly no quick fix but a logical step by step approach that allows for setbacks and problems but at the same time sees them through to the end
2nd chance achieves success by using sport as a catalyst for positive chance and achievement through a range of award winning projects and services. As a growing social enterprise they have a number of programmes which includes;
Justice Solutions
Coach makers
Training Academy
Community Projects
As part of their Justice Solutions programme they have a sports programme called Beyond the Bars. Beyond the Bars is a range of sports academies that engage people in custody and support their desistance from crime. These academies include popular sports such as Rugby, Football and Cricket which have particular followings in different communities.
This is done through mentoring, education, training and employment initiatives which include opportunities within their business.
Their staff provide resettlement by providing a through the gate service and equipping each participant with a 2nd Chance life plan. They then provide ongoing support for all Beyond the Bars participants as necessary to ensure their long term success.
Many of the participants are found jobs within the community as coaches and part of the academy is getting the right coaching qualifications for participants in their chosen sport
The 2nd Chance Beyond the Bars initiative was a finalist for its use of Sport for Conflict Resolution in 2013 the team were invited Philadelphia, US to share best practice on a global platform.
For more information on 2nd Chance please go to;