ASHFIELD GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL proudly display their Peace Fields Project Plaque which twins their peace pitch with Flanders Peace Field, Belgium, site of the 1914 First World War Christmas Truces. The spirit of the Christmas Truces was played through a competitive netball game. Ashfield Girls’ High School are first school in Belfast to twin their designated area of play. The School’s Ambassadors for Peace represented their communities, Belfast and Northern Ireland at the 2018 Global Peace Games. ‘The Ashfield Girls were a credit to their school at the Global Peace Games. They contributed to the games above and beyond expectations.’ Tim Wareing, NCFA Northern Ireland Project Manager, Front Row – Mrs Louise Hanvey, Ashfield Girls’ High School’s Principal and Mr Tim Wareing, NCFA’s Northern Ireland Project Manager, sign the Peace Field Project’s Declaration for Peace certificates. Back row – Mr Paul McClintock, Ashfield Girls’ High School’s Vice Principal and Mr Ernie Brennan, NCFA, CEO
2018 Global Peace Games Reunion. Belfast’s young Peace Ambassadors got together to plan raising funds for their Peace Pitch. Students of Ashfield Girls School, Ashfield Boys School, Metropolitan College, Wellington College, Breda Academt, Down High School, St Malachays High, St Mary’s, Wallace High School and St Patrick’s Academy, are seeking to be the first schools in Belfast to twin a designated area of play with Flanders Peace Field, Mesen, Belgium, site of The First World 1914 Christmas Truces.