International – Macedonia

NCFA spoke with Ceno Aleksandrovski (CA) Country Coordinator for Macedonia’s Open Fun Football Schools (OFFS) about their growing international recognition for the work they do is some very challenging communities in the Balkans.

Can you introduce the International Children’s Football Alliance members to Open Fun Football Schools? What do you do, where do you do it and who do you do it for?

CA. Open fun football schools is a humanitarian project using joyful games and the pedagogical “fun-football-concept” as tools to promote the process of democracy, peace, stability and social cohesion within the Balkans countries, the Trans Caucasus countries and countries in the Middle East. We do it to strenghten community relations.

Children play in safe environments

Why was OFFS formed and what is the aim of the organisation?


CA. OFFS is building on the experience of how wars and ethnic conflicts affect people and their possibilities of returning to a daily life in post conflict areas

What are your links with UEFA?

CA. We are charity partner of UEFA from 2002, we have won many awards for out work and the organization continues to deliver high standards of child focused activities, which we are very proud of.

What are the components for reconciliation in your work?

CA.They are to bring teachers, leaders, trainers and children from different ethnic and social backgrounds to work together. To create a physical, psychological and social environment where children feel confident, stimulated and secure. Based on a strong local foundation, democratic principles, voluntarism and parent support. Bring new impulses and educate hundreds of qualified coaches from the football clubs and teachers from the elementary schools. Motivate children and adults to join local football clubs and promote children’s grassroots football activities. Distribute thousands of football and other sport equipment to the benefit of the local football clubs.

What are the strengths of OFFS?

CA.The strengths of Open Fun Football Schools is to be found in it’s ability to generate relations between people. OFFS is a community-based reconciliation project. The meaning of OFFS is to facilitate friendship and sport co-operation between people living in divided communities.

As supporters of Football & Peace do you feel that there should be more opportunities for children and young people to participate in cross cultural football for fun projects, if so, why do you think it is important?

CA.Yes of course, important is for sharing experiences, best practices, and building new friendship. That is one of the basic principles of Open Fun Football Schools.

Can you tell ICFA members about your next project, where it will be and what it is about?

Games nuturing equality.

What are OFFS core principles?

CA. All Open Fun Football Schools are organized in accordance with the basic principles: – promote grassroots football for all – promote female participation in football at all levels-minimum 25% participants of players, coaches, leaders and officials – show social responsibility, which implies that all schools are organized accordance with our so-called twin-city principles to secure diversity in terms of, among others, ethnic, social, religious and political background – mobilize voluntary leaders and coaches – educate voluntary coaches and leaders in our specific pedagogical “fun football concept”

As supporters of Football & Peace do you feel that there should be more opportunities for children and young people to participate in cross cultural football for fun projects, if so, why do you think it is important?

CA.Yes of course, important is for sharing experiences, best practices, and building new friendship. That is one of the basic principles of Open Fun Football Schools.

Can you tell us about your next project, where it will be and what it is about?

CA. It is the SSP project in Macedonia ( Sport-School-Police) together with primary schools, municipalities, Police – prevention sector , Sport clubs etc. We also have the COCA COLA CUP 2013 with Skopje Brewery and Coca Cola – during May/June 2013 in many cities all around country (Macedonia ) and the development of grassroots and girls football together with FA of Macedonia ( football tournaments for girls ) / UEFA grassroots girls projects.

For more information OPEN FUN FOOTBALL SCHOOLSclick on the link below


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