Cirencester Deer Park School is launching a six week behaviour management programme this month entitled Raise Your Game. It is football based and includes interactive sessions both in the classroom and on the pitch.
We are initially looking at identified boys from Year 8 (12-13 year olds) but also have plans to run a Raise Your Game football programme for girls as well.
The programme has six weekly topics;
The football games are specifically adapted to each of the weekly topics. An example of this is the session on communication. The session starts in the classroom with an interactive presentation and fun games all based on communicating with the teacher and each other.
We then move to the football pitch and play a standard, small sided game. After about 5 minutes we stop the game and put on a condition where no one can speak. After a further 5 minutes we put on a second condition that you can’t point, gesture or even make eye contact. In fact all forms of communication are taken away. The children then see how hard it is to play without communication. The game disintegrates and it is virtually impossible to play. Finally the normal game resumes with full communication.
When the six weeks have finished there will be a review with the group and a return feedback sheet for the parent to fill in regarding any progress they feel their child has made.
We are delighted that the National Children’s Football Alliance are supporting the Raise Your Game programme and plans are afoot to deliver a similar programme for girls as well as one for older pupils (Key Stage 4).
Cirencester Deer Park School is also looking at integrating some Year 11 pupils (15-16 years old) to help deliver the programme and increase the learning for all.
If you would like any more information on the Raise Your Game programme, please contact Paul Cooper atstpcooper@deerparkschool.net or on 01285 653447.
‘The National Children’s Football Alliance support the Raise Your Game programme initiated by Cirencester Deer Park School and see it as an excellent behaviour management tool for both schools and outside agencies looking to engage young people on the subject through the medium of football.”
Ernie Brennan – National Children’s Football Alliance.
‘We are committed to raising achievement and improving our pupils’ life chances. Through Raise Your Game, we hope to give some of our learners the opportunity to develop their self awareness and awareness of others through the medium of the game and their appreciation of the rules and its values. I look forward to seeing the impact the programme has on their levels of engagement and success in the future.’
Chiquita Henson, Headteacher, Cirencester Deer Park School.