Marist Brothers High School, Suva, Fiji
Marist Brothers High School is a Roman Catholic all-boys’ high school situated in Suva, the capital of Fiji. It is a school in the Marist tradition, founded in 1946 by the order of Marist Brothers, which has had a presence in Fiji since 1844.
The first Fijian Contingent left for Britain in January 1915. After further training in Britain they fought in the battles of Flanders. Nine Fijian soldiers lost their lives and 31 were wounded. A second Fijian Contingent left for Britain in July of that same year.
The first Peace Field Project Peace Pitch in Fiji is twinned with The Peace Pitch, Flanders, Mesen, Belgium, site of the 1914, First World War, Christmas truces.

The Marist Brothers High School, Suva, Fiji welcome the Children’s Football Alliance’s Ernie Brennan and Paul Cooper to their Peace Field Project Peace Pitch twinning event, Monday 28th October 2024.
‘Marist Brothers High School share the values of The Peace Field Project. We are very proud to be the first ever peace pitch in Fiji. The First World War historical connections with Fiji help educate our boys in many ways. We are a school that prides itself on sport and inclusion. We look forward to annual events celebrating peace through play‘. Master Asish Dayal, Principal, Marist Brothers High School, Suva.
Paul Cooper, Director, CFA (left) and Master Asish Dayal, Principal, Marist Brothers High School (right) signing The Peace Field Project Declaration of Peace Certificates.
‘The Peace Field Project continues to grow and it is schools like the Marist Brothers High School, Fiji that indentify with the value of peace education through play. The Children’s Football Alliance welcomes the first ever Fiji peace pitch too the International Peace Field Project.’ Ernie Brennan, CEO, CFA.
Ernie Brennan, CEO, CFA, talks to the Marist Brothers High School boys about the significance of their peace pitch twinned with Flanders Peace Field, site of the 1914 First World War, Christmas truces.

The twinning event witnessed the hoisting of the Commonwealth Flag of Peace for the first time in Fiji at the Marist Brothers High School. On behalf of the Commonwealth Trust the CFA presented Master Asish Dayal, Principal with the Commonwealth Flag of Peace. The Marist Brother’s pupils sang their school anthem to celebrate the event.

The Marist Brothers High School boys would like to thank Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club for the kind donation of Premier League football kits.