La Nuestra Fútbol Femenino
Since 2007 THE OUR FEMALE FOOTBALL holds a training space in women’s soccer on the Güemes court for girls and young women that is complemented by a workshop space for reflection from a gender perspective.

Argentine : Equipe feminine de football de la ” Villa 31″: Las Aliadas. Entrenement sur le terrain du bidonville.
Although there are other women’s football teams in the neighborhood and in the city, they do not have access to basic sports and technical training; furthermore, there is very little provision for workshop spaces to facilitate channeling and addressing problems the participants face on a daily basis. Thus, La Nuestra has become the only neighborhood organization that proposes a space forwomen’s football, integrating it to work with a gender perspective, encouraging women to do a sport that – in general, they do not have the possibility of practicing and, from that proposal, to address issues related to gender stereotypes, sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence, discrimination, use of free time, social inclusion, friendship and citizenship.
The multi-faceted workshops, support women using sport as a vehicle to learn about citizenship and promote social inclusion. Raising the profile of women’s football in the neighborhood will benefit health, families, education, equal opportunities and community cohesion. The aim of this practice to be sustained and multiplied.
La Nuestra represents today a space that was appropriated by the participants themselves, who continue to build it with their language, customs and presence, by expressing and learning new forms of conflict resolution, channeling the different problems they experience from their position as young women in situations of social exclusion, as well as generating identity and belonging, contributing to the construction of an identity for women’s football.